Tag Archives: parallel universe

Let Your Imagination Soar

Fantasy is a wonderful genre to read as a series. A series gives an author space to create a world you’re eager to live in for a while and still give you plenty of excitement with well-developed characters and plots. These bestselling indie authors have teamed up to offer a fantastic selection of Fantasy series for you to sink your teeth into.

I’m happy that both my Magi books were accepted into this promotion. For those of you who may not be familar with Rulari, The Magi of Rulari series chronicles the on-going saga of two very different societies cut off from their home worlds (Earth and Sekhmet) who must learn to live together on a world where magic works and men and women live or die by the sword.

Sale opens on June 12, 2020 and runs until Jul 11,2020.


Clean fantasy fair

Follow These Tough Women Into An Adventure Of A Lifetime

Grab some adventure with these feisty heroines. These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of e-books on sale!I am proud to announce that my book Warriors of St. Antoni has been included with these wonderful books.Sale ends June 16, 2020 so don’t wait!


Fiesty heroines