2024 05 09 Work Journal

I managed to get another chapter of Deception written today. I’m walking a fine line between creating an info dump to catch readers up on the events that took place in Heirs of Avalon and this book. I’m also shifting the focus onto Ava as she is the heroine of this story without completely ignoring the other four whom I’m demoting to supporting characters. That’s another fine line as well.

I’m also dividing my focus because of some business and personal issues I’m dealing with. My Shingles blisters have scabbed over nicely, but I have to wait until they fall off completely before I’m no longer contagious. Words of wisdom: go down and get the shot! This stuff is extremely painful: on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s about a 12, and it doesn’t go away.

Daughter of Shadows is finished, and I sent it out to some of my ARC readers. If you are interested in a free copy, please sign up to join my ARC readers group: https://gaildaley.com/Become-an-ARC-reader-on-Gail’s-Team.php I can always use more reviews on my books!

Daughter of Shadows

Secrets Are Dangerous—but Not Knowing The Truth Can Cost You Your Freedom…

Welcome to Shangri-la, a planet of psychics and a Utopia gone wrong. This thrilling science-fiction mystery will keep you guessing until the very end! 

The mysterious Psychic Colony of Shangri-La is home to many secrets, and Tracy Lucent is determined to solve them. After arriving with no memory of who she is, Tracy’s only clue to her identity is a locket with her name engraved inside. With each passing day, Tracy struggles to unravel the threads of her past, but when there is an attempt to kidnap her which she narrowly escapes, she knows she can no longer ignore the mystery of her past. With danger lurking around every corner and secrets waiting to be uncovered, Tracy must uncover the truth of her identity before it is too late.

If you enjoyed the suspenseful journey of identity discovery in books like The Maze Runner and Divergent and the suspense of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, then you’ll love the thrilling ride that is Daughter of Shadows. 

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https://books2read.com/u/bPwzrd: 2024 05 09 Work Journal

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